

SB2013 is a graphical user interface designed to perform a 1D earthquake analysis. Some of the capabilities of SB2013 include:

  • Generating an excel file with the results from the 1D analysis
  • Plotting Mode Shapes along with corresponding frequency
  • Plotting maximal displacement, velocity and acceleration values (with respect to nodes)
  • Generating an animation of the displacement time history (in a .avi format)

    Download & Install SB2013

    The following steps describe how to download, install and run SB2013. For detailed documentation, please see the user manual.

    Step 1: Install MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR)

    If you have not installed MCR Installer on your computer, please download the MCR Installer below and double-click to install it (SB2013 employs MATLAB). You only need to do this step once for any given PC.

    DOWNLOAD MCR Installer R2014b (8.4) ~700 MB
    Intel 64-bit
    (If you tried opening the MCR Installer from the browser, the installer may be hidden behind it.)

    SB2013 was made by using MATLAB and thus requires MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) to be installed before being used. It should be mentioned that even if you have previously downloaded MCR to your computer, executables created using MATLAB can only be ran using a specific version of MCR. The version of MCR that is necessary is determined by what version of MATLAB it is compiled with. (Having a more up-to-date MCR would not enable you to use executable files created using older MATLAB. Additionally you can have multiple versions of MCR installed and do not need to uninstall any of the previously installed MCR.) The SB2013 executable file was compiled using MATLAB 2014b and requires MCR 8.4 (please download from the above links).

    In addition to installing MCR 8.4, an additional installation is required should you wish to make using of SB2013 to create animations. SB2013 utilizes a codec called ffdshow to compress the .avi files. This codec is included in the "windows.7.codec.pack.v4.0.7.setup.exe", and can be found in the folder called "codec".

    Step 2: Install SB2013

    Please download the SB2013 package from the link below, and then unzip the file to a directory of your choice in the hard drive (you may wish to visit this site periodically to check for updates).

    DOWNLOAD SB2013_WIN.rar ~26 MB (updated 10/26/15)

    Note: The version for mac is temporary. You need MATLAB to run this. Use the SB2013.m instead of SB2013.exe. (Also to output results please use the buttons at the button right of the interface.)

    Step 3: Run SB2013

    After you download the .rar file, save the folder "SB2013" in a convenient location for you to open the enclosed .exe. After you save the folder along with its' content, to use this program all you need to do is double-click the SB2013.exe. (Note if you have just installed MCR, you may need to restart your computer first. Additionally the first time use .exe when you first turn on your computer will take the longest time. It needs load all the Matlab files, which may take awhile.)

    Step 4: Download SB2013 User Manual

    SB2013 User Manual (<1 MB, updated 8/18/13)
