
Lotung Downhole Array Data

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If you publish work using this data, please include this acknowledgement:

The Lotung dataset at was originally provided by the US Electric Power research Institute (EPRI), under the direction of H. T. Tang, and J. Carl Stepp.

Papers published by Elgamal and Co-authors using this data are included below:

1. Elgamal, A. W., Zeghal, M., Tang, H. T., & Stepp, J. C. (1995). Lotung downhole array. I: Evaluation of site dynamic properties. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 121(4), 350-362.

2. Zeghal, M., Elgamal, A. W., Tang, H. T., & Stepp, J. C. (1995). Lotung downhole array. II: Evaluation of soil nonlinear properties. Journal of geotechnical engineering, 121(4), 363-378.

3. Elgamal, A. W., Zeghal, M., Parra, E., Gunturi, R., Tang, H. T., & Stepp, J. C. (1996). Identification and modeling of earthquake ground response-I. Site amplification. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 15(8), 499-522.

4. Zeghal, M., Elgamal, A. W., & Parra, E. (1996). Identification and modeling of earthquake ground response-II. Site liquefaction. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 15(8), 523-547.

5. Elgamal, A., Lai, T., Yang, Z., & He, L. (2001). Dynamic soil properties, seismic downhole arrays and applications in practice., International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, 2001 - Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Mar 26th - Mar 31st (State-of-the-art paper, 81pages)


7. Elgamal, A. -W., M. Zeghal, and E. Parra (1995). "Identification and Modeling of Earthquake Ground Response," First International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, IS-TOKYO'95, Vol. 3, 1369-1406, Ishihara, K., Ed., Balkema, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 14-16, 1995 (Invited Theme Lecture).

8. Zeghal, M., & Elgamal, A. W. (2000). Site response and vertical seismic arrays. Progress in structural Engineering and Materials, 2(1), 92-101.

9. Zeghal, M., & Elgamal, A. W. (2000, February). A review of site seismic response using vertical arrays. In 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, Paper (No. 2175).

10. Elgamal, A., Yang, Z., & Stepp, J. C. (2004, October). Seismic downhole arrays and applications in practice. In Workshop 1, Inventory of Current and Planned Arrays, International Workshop for Site Selection, Installation and Operation of Geotechnical Strong-Motion Arrays (Vol. 14).

11. Zeghal, M., & Elgamal, A. W. (1994). Analysis of site liquefaction using earthquake records. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 120(6), 996-1017.

12. Elgamal, A. W., Zeghal, M., & Parra, E. (1996). Liquefaction of reclaimed island in Kobe, Japan. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 122(1), 39-49.

13. Zeghal, M., Elgamal, A. W., & Parra, E. (1996). Analyses of site liquefaction using downhole array seismic records. In Proceedings of 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.

14. Elgamal, A., Zeghal, M., Taboada, V., & Dobry, R. (1996). Analysis of site liquefaction and lateral spreading using centrifuge testing records. Soils and Foundations, 36(2), 111-121.

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